
About Me

Who am I?  Just a girl who got obsessed with nail polish about a year ago.  This has not been a lifelong obsession for me.  In fact, growing up I wasn't allowed to wear nail polish except maybe on weekends ... hmmm ... perhaps I'm rebelling now... didn't think about that until just now.

You'll notice that my nails are usually pretty short, yes, this is weird for a blog about nails, I know.  Thing is I have a lot of hobbies, two of them are playing the piano, and playing volleyball ... both of which require short nails.  So I do what I can with the nails I'm allowed to keep :-)

None of the pictures I take of my nails are edited (except for some cropping and maybe a tad bit of airbrushing when I see that I got a little bit of polish on my finger.. oops).  If you want to use any of my pictures please just add a credit to my blog.

If you have any questions, you can just ask in the comment section of a post, I check in pretty frequently.

Happy Polishing!

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